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Amendments to the Integration Act reform aim to increase immigrants’ self-initiative

Publication date 13.6.2024 13.13 | Published in English on 18.6.2024 at 14.42
News item

The comprehensive reform of the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration (Integration Act) will enter into force at the beginning of 2025 when the main responsibility for integration will be transferred from the state to municipalities. The purpose of the amendments is to increase immigrants’ own responsibility for their integration. The amendments to the Act were approved on 13 June 2024 and they will mainly enter into force on 1 January 2025.

According to the amendments to the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act, the four-year imputed reimbursement period for quota refugees will be shortened to three years. The reimbursement period for other people with refugee background will be cut from three to two years. This group also includes beneficiaries of temporary protection who have a municipality of residence.

The central government pays municipalities and wellbeing services counties an imputed reimbursement for organising services promoting the integration of persons with refugee background. Reimbursements are paid for costs for assessing the need for services, drawing up integration plans and interpreting, for example. Shortening the payment period aims to reduce the municipal tasks related to the promotion of integration and to increase immigrants’ self-initiative.

The age limit for receiving after-care in adulthood of those who have arrived in Finland as unaccompanied minors will be lowered to 23 from the current 25. The new age limit will correspond with the lower age limit for after-care in child welfare, the act on which entered into force on 1 January 2024. However, the lower age limit for receiving after-care in adulthood will already take effect on 1 July 2024.

Fee may be charged for unused interpretation

In future, if an immigrant does not attend a scheduled appointment with the integration services of a municipality or an employment authority and does not notify them of this in advance, the immigrant could be charged a fee for unused interpretation services. The fee will be equal to the fee for unused appointments in healthcare and social welfare services.

More information:
Press release by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment on 13 June 2024: Government’s changes to the Integration Act reform to increase immigrants’ own responsibility
Government proposal for an act amending the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration and related acts (in Finnish)

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