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Individual study paths

The Act on the promotion of immigrant integration was amended on 1.1.2025. Unfortunately, this website has not yet been updated to comply with the new integration Act (681/2023). We apologise for the inconvenience. The updating of the website will be prioritised and the aim is to make the updates during January-February 2025. Information in accordance with the new integration Act can be found on the page

The scope and content of integration training vary according to individual needs. The information obtained during the initial assessment on the immigrants' employment and study skills, other integration capabilities and the needs for language studies and other measures and services promoting integration will be utilised when an authority prepares an integration plan together with the immigrant and when the authority determines what kind of training suits the person. 

During the initial assessment or at latest before starting studies, the TE Office or municipality will carry out a baseline assessment, which will be used to guide the student to a suitable study path, suitable module and teaching group. In practice, the initial level of language proficiency is usually assessed by a separate service provider, or alternatively by the service provider organising the integration training.

The training provider makes use of the results of the initial level assessment when a personal study plan is drawn up for the immigrant. For the purposes of the assessment, information is collected by interviewing the student and mapping his/her capabilities, including:

  • the student's literacy with the Latin alphabet
  • oral and written skills in Finnish or Swedish
  • previous studies and work experience, current life situation
  • personal employment and training preferences.

The student is directed to the right study path

The aim of the advance assessment is to guide the student to the appropriate training without delay. The individual needs of students as well as the education available in the region and the region’s labour market situation are taken into account in the organisation of the training. When teaching groups are formed, learning skills and a different pace of progress in studies are taken into account.

Training can be organised e.g. as follows:

  • Basic study path

Students with basic study skills who have technical literacy with the Latin alphabet and usually experience in studying some foreign language will be directed to the basic path. The aim of the student is employment or vocational education and training.

  • Study path for person's who progress slowly

Students who must still develop their study skills or have a difficult life situation for learning, are directed to the slow progress path. Their literacy with the Latin alphabet is often satisfactory. The aim of the student is employment or vocational education and training.

  • Study path for quick learners

Students who are accustomed to language learning and who are proficient in literacy using the Latin alphabet are directed to the quick learner path. They have good study skills and skills for independent study and studying on their own initiative as well as often a higher education, or academic experience. The aim of the student is to find employment in an academic profession or to enter continuing education in his/her own field.

Integration training can be implemented in a student group or a heterogeneous group according to the study path by differentiating the teaching according to the student's personal study plan. The implementation method is influenced by such factors as regional resources and the number of students.

The education provider may offer the student the opportunity to change their study path during integration training if the student and the trainer jointly assess that another path would better support the student's learning.

Sufficient support to help forward

A comprehensive effort is made to support the integration of immigrants. In addition to employment and education, the integration measures also aim to strengthen general life management and inclusion.

Integration training must take into account the needs of special groups and other needs for special support. For example, those who have recently completed literacy studies may need special support in their later studies. Different study and learning difficulties or other factors, such as illness, disability or difficulties caused by changes in life situation, must also be taken into account when supporting students in integration training.

Read more:
National core curriculum for integration training (in Finnish)