We are happy to help with questions concerning immigrant integration and the reception of refugees. The Ministry’s communications unit is responsible for the media communications (announcements) of the Labour Migration and Integration Unit.
However, reporters can also contact the integration communications specialist directly, especially if the matter concerns functions such as the integration.fi online service, databases, publications or other monitoring or partnership programme functions.
Contact details
Senior specialist Helena Torkko
tel. +358 2950 47695
[email protected]
Follow the news and social media
Follow the news of integration.fi and on integration on LinkedIn and Instagram accounts Kotoutumisesta (about integration). You can read current information on the operation of different projects and good practices on our blog. You can also find extensive information on the promotion of immigrant integration and the reception of refugees from different perspectives.
Please also subscribe to our newsletter.
The use of the kotoutuminen.fi/integration.fi logo is subject to authorisation. The logo is usually used in connection to the logo of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Please contact [email protected], if you need the logo and/or visual instructions.