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Actors involved in the promotion of immigrant integration and refugee reception work in a multidisciplinary field

In terms of content, the promotion of immigrant integration has a multisectoral orientation, and it requires close cooperation between various administrative branches and levels of administration, both nationally and locally. Immigrant integration involves both public sector and civil society actors. 

At the local level, the authorities responsible for promoting immigrant integration are the municipalities, wellbeing services counties and employment authorities. Other authorities may also contribute to promoting integration. Civil society organisations play an important role in promoting immigrant integration, their tasks ranging from the provision of initial-stage housing to language clubs and recreational activities.

The regional level attends to the monitoring, supervision and development of integration. The major actors here are the centres for economic development, transport and the environment, the regional state administrative agencies, the KEHA Centre and the regional councils. Regional organisations and projects also take part in regional efforts to promote immigrant integration.

At the national level, integration promotion is guided by the Government Integration Programme prepared by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The ministries central to the development of integration promotion determine the integration promotion objectives and measures in their respective administrative branches as part of their planning of activities and finances. At the national level, good relations between population groups are promoted by the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations (ETNO). 

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Tasks of the authorities
Organisations promoting integration
Partnership programme
Tools for actors