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Content and scope of training

The content and scope of the study path of an adult immigrant participating in integration training vary according to individual needs. The maximum extent of the programme is 80 credits. One credit corresponds to the student's average work input of approximately 27 hours, which includes sufficient teaching in relation to the student's individual needs.

The training usually lasts for one year. The scope and duration of the training may vary according to the student's personal study plan. The training may last longer if, for justified reasons, the student repeats part of the training or completes studies that strengthen their command of the Latin alphabet. Students can also participate in integration training also for a shorter period and transition flexibly to other education or working life.

Integration training includes:

  • Finnish or Swedish language studies as well as studies in communication skills, 
  • if necessary, teaching that strengthens command of the Latin alphabet
  • social and working life skills studies
  • on-the-job learning period (and)
  • guidance towards working life or support for further studies and learning
  • identification of prior learning, vocational planning and career guidance and, if necessary, guidance in the recognition of qualifications. 

The instruction in integration training consists of integrated studies that are implemented in accordance with the student's personal study plan.

Integration training includes the areas of language and communication competence, social and working life competence and guidance. These are implemented as entities that support one another. Their indicative number of credits is: 

  • language and communication competence 40-50 credits
  • social and working life competence 20-30 credits, of which at least 8 credits of on-the-job learning
  • guidance 7 credits.

The training includes one or more on-the-job learning periods with a total scope of at least eight (8) credits. In addition, students are offered optional studies according to their personal needs and goals.

Integration training can be organized flexibly in terms of time and implementation: flexibly as day and evening instruction as well as distance and blended instruction. In bilingual localities, integration training can be provided in both Finnish and Swedish.

Read more:
Core curriculum for integration training (in Finnish)