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The Government Integration Programme sets goals for the promotion of integration

The Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration contains a provision on the Government Integration Programme. In accordance with it, the Government will decide how the promotion of integration will be developed at national level by formulating a programme that includes the objectives and measures for the duration of the Government term (Government Integration Programme, VALKO).

The first Government Resolution on a Government Integration Programme (VALKO I) was made on 7 June 2012. That programme described the cross-administrative policy package aiming to promote immigrant integration and good ethnic relations. 

During the term of Prime Minister Marin’s Government, VALKO was be replaced by a report on the need to reform the promotion of integration, which was submitted to Parliament in spring 2021. 

The Government Integration Programme for 2024–2027 includes 32 measures based on the Government Programme. Integration policy is based on the learning of Finnish or Swedish, employment, familiarisation with Finnish society and compliance with its rules.

Read more:
Government Integration Programme 2024–2027 : Government Resolution
Report on the need for a reform in integration promotion services (In Finnish)
Promoting integration at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment