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The audience of the Integration 2022.

The Integration 2024 event focuses on the current themes in immigrant integration and refugee reception. Different regions and organisations do a lot of valuable work to promote integration. Integration 2024 is a national event that provides an excellent opportunity to share information and operating models and to form new partnerships.

Integration 2024 will take place
At Logomo on 14 November 9.45–16.30 and 15 November 9.00–15.30 (doors open at 8.30)
The evening event will take place at Logomo on 14 November 19.30–22:00 (doors open at 19.00)

Registration opens in early autumn.

 The host of the Integration event on stage.

Why are we organising the Integration 2024 event?

The Integration 2024 event will build on the work started during the first tree Integration events by strengthening partnerships between public authorities, the third sector and companies. The program of the Integration 2024 event will be published in autumn 2024. 

The Integration 2024 event will give participants the chance to:

  • hear how integration is currently promoted in Finland and around the world
  • network and find partners
  • receive advice and support for developing skills and wellbeing at work
  • view the presentations of different operators in the field of integration in the exhibition space.

Who is Integration 2024 intended for?

The Integration 2024 event is intended for those working in the field of immigrant integration and refugee reception. These include third-sector operators, public authorities, municipal employees and researchers who, in the course of their work, are engaged in immigration, integration and reception and those who promote integration as decision-makers, representatives of minors, teachers, entrepreneurs, representatives of companies or active volunteers.

The Integration event is organised every two years and it is the main event for integration operators and the Integration Partnership Programme. In 2024, the Integration event will be held at Logomo in Turku. 

Join us to hear about the latest research, meet partners and learn about best practices.

The audience of the Integration event.

Logomo from the outside.

Event to be organised in Turku

In 2024, the Integration event will be held in Turku.

The event will be held at Logomo, which offers participants an opportunity to listen to the main programme and sub-programmes under different themes, follow contents in Finnish, Swedish or English, network with others, have one-to-one or group discussions and visit the exhibition space where different organisations and operators in the field of integration showcase their work and good practices.

Accommodation in Turku

Photo: Logomo

Take part as an exhibitor

Would you or your organisation like to share good practices in integration or refugee reception? Or would you like to tell potential partners about your work in promoting integration?

A small number of exhibitors will be selected from the applications received to showcase their work in the exhibition space. In the exhibition space, you can share materials, tell about your activities and meet partners.

The exhibition space is meant for those working in the field of integration, immigration and refugee reception, offering them an opportunity to tell about their work. The application period will begin in April 2024.

The application period was 22.4.–24.5.2024.

The exhibition stands will be announced to those selected and also to other applicants by August 2024 at the latest.

People in the exhibition area.

News about the event

The open call for exhibition stands for the Integration 2024 event is underway
22.4.2024 | News item
Do you or your organization have a good practice of integration or reception of refugees to share with others? Do you want to tell potential partners about your integration-promoting activities? Participate in the Integration 2024 event as an exhibitor. Integration 2024 will take place on 14–15 November 2024 in Turku.
The application period for the photo exhibition of the Integration 2024 event has been opened
3.4.2024 | News item
The Integration 2024 event is searching for a photo exhibition dealing with integration or the reception of refugees or a theme closely related to these topics through an open call. The photo exhibition application is open from 3 to 21 April 2024.
Participate in the program planning of the Integration 2024 event!
17.1.2024 | News item
The Integration 2024 event will take place this year, i.e. 14–15 November 2024 in Turku. Now you have the opportunity to participate in the planning of the event with a program proposal! This year, program planning is open to everyone interested in Integration event planning. The program planning team of the event compiles the program based on the proposals received. Program proposals must be submitted no later than February 18, 2024.

The event is funded by

The Integration 2024 event is organized by Southwest Finland ELY centre in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. The event is also financed by the city of Turku, The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland (Varha) and Bildningsalliansen rf.
The event is co-financed by the European Union. 

The event is funded by

Integration 2024 is both the main event for integration and refugee reception and the main event of the Integration Partnership Programme, and it is organised through collaboration between a large number of operators. 

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