The Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration publishes a comprehensive review of integration as part of the integration monitoring system for each government term, that is every four years.
The first review was published in 2012 and the most recent in 2020. No review was published in 2016, because the regular monitoring system was completed in 2019.
The comprehensive review for 2020 consists of two parts: a research publication and infographics publication. The articles in the research publication shed more light on the different aspects of integration than numerical monitoring indicators. Indicators in the infographics publication summarise integration-related phenomena for statistical monitoring.
The research publication contains five parts that correspond with the different elements of the monitoring system: employment, education, wellbeing, participation and two-way integration.
The researchers contributing to the comprehensive review are responsible for the content and arguments presented in the articles.
Read more:
Overall review 2019 articles
Overall review 2019 indicators
Monitoring of integration
Integration Indicators database