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The integration database includes information on Finland's immigrant population

The integration database is an open statistics database based on register that provides comprehensive information on the immigrant population in Finland. The Koto database is administered by the KEHA Centre. Statistics Finland is responsible for its maintenance in accordance with the instructions of the KEHA Centre.

The database is easy to use. You may customise it and produce statistics that are relevant to your work. 

This is how you use the database

  1. First, choose the topic that you are interested in.
  2. Next, choose the variables. Select also the regional level and other necessary information. If there are variables marked with an asterisk, you must select at least one value under each of these variables.
  3. Finally, you may reorganise the rows and columns in the table to make them easier to read, save the table in Excel format, or download the tables and graphs. Open the ‘About table’ to find more detailed information about the variables.

Go to the Integration database banner with database logo.

Use statistics carefully

Statistics and definitions should be used carefully. For example, there are many definitions of an immigrant. Depending on the context, foreign nationals or those born abroad can be defined as immigrants.

Additionally, it is difficult to make generalisations on the basis of statistics consisting of small samples. In other words, if the number of immigrants doubles in a certain small town, it may refer to an increase of only a few people.

It is good to keep in mind that when interpreting statistics you should always know what the appropriate context is.

This is how you refer to the database


(Integration database, 2020)

Table of sources

Integration database: Insert the name of table here [online publication]. Table: Insert the exact name of table here. Helsinki: KEHA centre. [referenced on Insert date]. Accessed on: Insert the online address of table here.

Example reference

Integration database: Housing (online publication) Table: 117 p - Housing by type of household dwelling unit and living space. Helsinki: KEHA centre. [referenced on 30 September 2020]. Accessed on: