Immigration of foreign citizens in 2022
• A total of 42,470 foreign citizens moved to Finland (Statistics Finland).
• Work was the most common reason for the first residence permit (Finnish Immigration Service).
Quota refugees and asylum seekers granted residence permits in 2022
- Municipalities offered places to 2,109 refugees.
- A total of 1,098 quota refugees were placed in municipalities.
- 1,992 asylum seekers who had been granted a residence permit moved to municipalities from reception centres.
- In all, 45,358 residence permits were granted on the basis of temporary protection.
Welcome to Finland guide
- Distributed to everyone moving to Finland
- The guide is available in 12 languages and the brochure in 15 languages.
- Information for those planning to move to Finland or already living here.
- 12 different language versions.
- 5.5 million page views (between August 2022 when the updated website was launched and September 2023).
- Most popular content:
- Work in Finlan
- Finnish education system.
Multilingual guidance and counselling services in municipalities in 2021
- In 35 locations
- 41,328 contacts by individual customers
- 59% of customers were men, 41% women.
Centres of expertise for immigrants in 2021
- In 7 cities
- Total of 5,716 new customers
- 68% of the customers transferred from the centres to education, work or work trial (January 2020–July 2021).
Integration plans by employment services in 2022
- Employment services prepared 13,106 first integration plans for jobseekers.
Immigrants in education in 2022
- On average 5,814 integration students in labour market training each month
- 6,274 integration students in self-motivated studies
Cost of integration training in 2022
- Total of EUR 47,868,278.62 was spent on labour market training.
- Average cost of integration training was EUR 7,454 per customer/year.
More information:
Welcome to Finland guide
Municipal guidance and counselling services
Integration plans