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Integration 2024 project

The Integration 2024 project organises a national Integration 2024 event on 14–15 November 2024 in Logomo, Turku. The project includes Getting to Know Integration 2024 webinars organised once per month from February 2024 onwards. The event is aimed at integration professionals in different organisations: authorities, educators, teachers, guidance and counselling providers, parties involved in organisations and associations. Between 800 and 1,000 participants are expected to attend the event in person and there will also be remote participants. The project is implemented between 1 September 2023 and 28 February 2025

The Integration 2024 event includes lectures, speeches, expert discussions, an active programme, short films, display booths of various parties and a photography exhibition on topical themes related to integration and immigration. At their display booths, parties involved in integration present their activities and good practices. The programme is offered in Finnish, Swedish and English, and highlights different areas of integration: employment, education and competence, inclusion, wellbeing, the receptiveness of society, and two-way integration. Information about the event is provided in a focused manner at the webpage included in the website.

The event and programme are planned in line with the principles of co-creation and partnership. Other authorities, educators, educational institutions and organisations involved in promoting integration are involved in the preparation.

The aim is to improve the competence and professional skills of integration experts, to increase the knowledge base of integration, to promote good relations between population groups and anti-racist work, and to increase networks and partnerships. This helps improve the quality and effectiveness of integration work.  

The Integration 2024 project is implemented by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Southwest Finland in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The project partners for the self-financing share include the City of Turku, the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland and Bildningsallianssen rf. Integration 2024 is part of the Partnership programme to promote integration. Representatives of the Finnish Red Cross and the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Uusimaa are also involved in the project’s steering group. The Integration 2024 project is partly funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the EU (AMIF).

Further information 

About the Integration 2024 project;
Immigration Specialist, Project Coordinator Päivi Ruotsala
[email protected]. tel. +358 295 020 992
Working life and entrepreneurship services unit 

About the Integration 2024 event: [email protected]