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ELY Centres develop and support regional integration and settling-in efforts

Under the Integration Act, the centres for economic development, transport and the environment (ELY Centres) are responsible for the following with regard to the promotion of integration and good relations between population groups in their respective areas of operation:

  • regional development, cooperation, coordination and monitoring of the promotion of integration;
  • oversight of the availability, quality and effectiveness of initial-stage integration services organised for immigrants outside the labour market; 
  • provision of support and advice to municipalities and wellbeing services counties;
  • preparation and implementation of the regional strategy on the allocation of refugees to municipal places and allocation duties;
  • agreement with the wellbeing services county on establishing family group homes for immigrants who are unaccompanied minors and guidance and supervision of the homes in cooperation with the wellbeing services county, regional state administrative agency, the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health Valvira and, where necessary, the Finnish Immigration Service, and also the guidance and supervision of the operations of representatives of minors;
  • agreement with the municipality and wellbeing services county on compensation and reimbursements under the Integration Act;
  • promotion of good relations, dialogue and cooperation between population groups;
  • other duties specifically laid down in the Integration Act.

ELY Centres may establish regional cooperation groups for the promotion of immigration and integration to support the fulfilment of their duties. The cooperation groups may also be assigned other duties relating to, for example, the development and planning of integration promotion and the promotion of good relations between population groups. ELY Centres shall cooperate with the regional state administrative agencies in the performance of their statutory duties.

In addition, Economic Development Centres may act as the government grant authority in respect of the duties referred to in sections 9 and 11 of the Act on Discretionary Government Grants, i.e. the duties of provider of financing for integration promotion.

Read more:
Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration 
Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment