Employment and Economic Development Offices (TE Offices) are responsible for the employment of immigrant jobseekers and for employment and business services supporting immigrant integration. TE Offices are also responsible for ensuring that the services are suitable for immigrants.
TE Offices are responsible for preparing
- initial assessments and
- integration plans for their customers registered as jobseekers and
- for referring them to integration training.
In addition to measures specifically promoting integration, immigrants can also use all other TE services intended for personal customers.
TE Offices provide the following services:
- Employment services
- Information and advisory services
- Expert assessments:
- competence and vocational skills assessments
- assessment of work ability
- assessments of entrepreneurial skills and prerequisites for entrepreneurial activity
- initial assessments for immigrants
- other expert assessments
- Vocational guidance and career planning
- Coaching:
- job search coaching
- career coaching
- job coaching
- Experiment:
- training trial
- work try-out
- Labour market training:
- vocational labour market training
- integration training
- Independent studies supported through unemployment benefits
- Pay subsidy
- Services for starting up and developing a business:
- start-up grants
- business development services.
TE Offices provide immigrants with services in all service lines
The service model used at TE Offices is based on the assessment of the situation of each individual jobseeker and providing them with appropriate services. TE Offices have organised their activities in different ways, and some of them provide extensive sectoral services for jobseekers and employers in different sectors. All TE Offices provide immigrants with services during different stages of jobseeking.
TE Offices usually examine the service needs of jobseekers as follows:
- The customer needs employment and business services: The first option is to find employment in the open labour market.
- The customer needs to enhance their skills and competence: The customer needs to enhance their vocational skills or competence, plans a career change or needs support in determining their goals and options.
- The customer needs more extensive support: It is determined that the employment of the jobseeker would require thorough examination of obstacles to employment and improvement of their general labour market capabilities.
Guidance of immigrant customers is examined in the customership and service strategies of TE Services.
Read more:
Initial assessment
Integration plan
Integration training for immigrants
Information for integration participants using the services of TE Offices
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment guideline on the application of the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration (1386/2010) in Employment and Economic Development Offices (in Finnish)
Services for personal customers at TE Offices (in Finnish)