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Information for those who are a decision-maker or manager in a municipality or the government

Municipal decision-makers and people working in the management of municipalities or the government issue decisions and solutions that may concern immigrant integration and the reception of refugees. Decision-making needs the support of information, research and thematic statistics.

People in a conference room

Services This section contains information on multilingual services that promote integration, Swedish integration and customer support.
Actors and their tasks Multi-sectoral cooperation in promoting integration makes the work more effective. There are local, regional and national operators who promote integration.
Partnership programme The integration partnership programme supports the effectiveness of the work promoting integration and social inclusion by bringing together operators and increasing multi-professional and diverse cooperation.
Legislation Several acts guide integration. Remember to also acknowledge service-specific legislation.
Priority areas in the promotion of integration Programmes promoting integration, multi-sectoral cooperation and partnerships of different operators relate to the legislation that guides the promotion of integration.
Learning about integration Learning about integration training provides you with comprehensive basic information and skills on immigrant integration. Online training is aimed at novice integration professionals.

News for decision makers and managers

Back Government integration Programme published

Government integration Programme published

Publication date 17.1.2025 12.49 | Published in English on 17.1.2025 at 13.21
News item

The Government Integration Programme for 2024–2027 includes 32 measures based on the Government Programme. Integration policy is based on the learning of Finnish or Swedish, employment, familiarisation with Finnish society and compliance with its rules.

The objectives of integration during the years 2024–2027 are:

  • integration in Finland through work
  • immigrants to take more responsibility for their integration with an increased focus on obligations
  • combating the emergence of parallel societies
  • integration is in the interests of the whole family.

The position of immigrant mothers will be improved and efforts will be made to raise the employment rate. The integration of children, young people and beneficiaries of temporary protection will be promoted. Along Finnish, opportunities for integration in Swedish, will be ensured at the same time.

The Government Integration Programme has been prepared in cross-sectoral cooperation. The Government adopted the programme in its session of 16 January 2025.

More information:
Press release of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 16.1.2025: Government Integration Programme emphasises employment, personal responsibility and obligations
Government Integration Programme 2024–2027 (in Finnish)
Project: Government Integration Programme 2024–2027