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Centre of Expertise publishes new material to support implementation of Integration Act overhaul (KOTO24)

Publication date 29.2.2024 12.06
Type:News item

The Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration supports the implementation of the revised Integration Act (Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration) and work to promote integration by producing materials and information on the comprehensive reform of the Act. A new home page KOTO24 has been set up on the website. On the site, you can find news, events and materials related to the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act. During 2024, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will provide nationwide support for those involved in integration work in preparing for the reform in cooperation with the KEHA Centre and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities.

You can visit the new home page of the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act (KOTO24) to read frequently asked questions with answers and to find information on the functions and actors under the new Integration Act and on the customer information system (Koto-digi). The site will include links to other parties’ materials that are related to the KOTO24 reform and the TE services reform 2024. The Centre of Expertise readily responds to information needs and is prepared to produce new material to support the work on implementation and integration during 2024. 

News and events related to the legislative reform will be compiled on the KOTO24 website. We aim to publish all events and training related to the KOTO24 reform, regardless of the organiser, as long as they may be published in a public online service. Some of the events may be limited to specific target groups or areas. Please check the target group and area when you register for an event. website that conforms with new Act to be launched on 1 January 2025

The KOTO24-related content on the website conforms with the new Integration Act, which enters into force on 1 January 2025. However, other permanent content on the site still conforms with the Integration Act currently in force. A completely updated website will be launched when the new Integration Act enters into force on 1 January 2025. 

Before that, you can read the easy-to-read handbook on the Integration Act for more information about the new Act. The handbook will be updated to conform with the new Integration Act, and it is set to be published in autumn 2024.

We ask our cooperation partners to update links

The old page about the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act will be removed from the website concurrently with the publication of the new KOTO24 home page. We ask any parties that have linked to the page to direct the links to the new page. The old page will automatically redirect to the new page.

Our cooperation partners may ask us to add KOTO24-related events to the event calendar or to add links to the new home page by sending email to: [email protected].

New KOTO24 home page

Helena Torkko, Senior Specialist, Web Editor-in-Chief, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 
Nanni Tuominen, Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 
[email protected], [email protected] 

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