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Comprehensive review of integration 2019: Integration as a phenomenon covers multiple dimensions

Publication date 21.1.2020 10.00
Type:News item

According to a review published by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment on 21 January 2020, employment alone is not an indication of successful integration, nor is there just one indicator for effective integration.

“Integration as a phenomenon covers multiple dimensions and factors, and involves participation from both the receiving society and the immigrants themselves. The receptiveness of working life affects the employment opportunities of immigrants, and conversely, employment affects the social participation of immigrants, which is an important contributor to successful integration,” explains Sonja Hämäläinen, Migration Director at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

Every four years, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment’s Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration publishes a comprehensive review of integration as part of the integration monitoring system. The monitoring system and the 2019 review are divided into the following themes: employment, education, wellbeing, participation and two-way integration. The comprehensive review for 2019 consists of indicator infographics and a research publication. The Integration Indicators database is published at the same time.

Further information:

Read the full press release issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment on 21 January 2020: Successful integration of immigrants has a positive impact on the economy

Comprehensive review of integration 2019: Research articles on integration (in Finnish only)

Comprehensive review of integration 2019: Indicators on integration (in Finnish only)

Integration Indicators database

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