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Pitch your way to support integration in the Integration 2024 event!

Publication date 17.9.2024 15.09
News item

Moniheli and DIAK are organising the now traditional integration-themed pitching contest as part of Integration 2024. This year, the contest will focus on ideas or activities that promote integration in a context of diminishing resources.

The selected participants will have the chance to present their ideas in front of an audience at the event, and will be rewarded with a concrete way to take their idea forward. In previous years, prizes have included a meeting with a minister and a sparring session with a top expert.

The contest is open to all actors and we encourage a diverse group of people and actors to participate. It is not necessary to have a background organisation to deliver one's pitch. The pitches can be given in Finnish or English, and the presenters will have a separate training. Moniheli and Diak will select the speakers based on their application.

The Integration 2024 event will take place in Logomo, Turku on 14-15 November and the pitching contest will take place on 14 November. Please note that you must also register for the actual Integration 2024 event in order to participate in the competition. The event fills up fast, so be quick!

More information: 

Register your idea by 13 October at the latest.


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