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Sweden has introduced three reforms to help immigrants become and remain employed faster

Publication date 16.9.2020 13.12 | Published in English on 23.9.2020 at 9.29
Type:News item

A recent report presents three reforms aimed at improving the educational and employment paths of immigrants. The report offers a more in-depth discussion of two reforms: the so-called “establishment programme” and the fast track. The third reform focuses on wage subsidies and is still ongoing.

According to the “Immigrants’ paths to education and employment in Sweden: Mapping of three initiatives” report, Sweden has invested in measures such as cooperation between the different actors involved, and in bringing employees and workplaces together. In addition, steps have been taken to incorporate employment services in integration training services. The report also identifies areas in need of improvement, such as the ability to reach target groups and the functioning of information systems.

The report is part of the Immigrants’ paths to education and employment (MAKO) project conducted as part of the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities. The project aims to provide information on the educational and employment paths of immigrants to promote their access to employment and social inclusion.

More information:

Immigrants’ paths to education and employment in Sweden: Mapping of three initiatives (in Finnish)

Report: Sweden uses cooperation and individual guidance as means to strengthen immigrants’ educational and employment paths (in Finnish)

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