Three-month unemployment rule is in public consultation until 16 August 2024

Publication date 13.6.2024 10.05 | Published in English on 18.6.2024 at 14.38
News item

In future, an employee working in Finland with a work-based residence permit would have three months to find a new job if the employment relationship ends. The conditions for residence would lapse and the employee would have to leave Finland if no new employment is found and there are no other grounds for residence. The government proposal on the three-month unemployment rule is in public consultation between 12 June and 16 August 2024.

The jobseeking period would be six months instead of three months: 

  • for specialists and startup entrepreneurs (including EU Blue Card holders)
  • for those in the middle or top management of a company
  • for seconded specialists and managers moving within a company, and
  • for all employees who have lived in Finland for longer than two years with a work-based residence permit

The proposal would strengthen the link between work and work-based residence permits, and enhance permit supervision. It would provide additional security to employees in the form of a legally guaranteed jobseeking period. The terms and conditions of work-based residence permits would be clearer for both employees and public authorities.

An English-language consultation will be held in August

Comments on the government proposal may be submitted through the consultation service until 16 August 2024. Preparation of the proposal will continue at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment after the consultation round is completed. The Government intends to submit the proposal to the autumn 2024 session of Parliament. The changes would not take effect before 2025.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will organise an open consultation on the proposal in English on 13 August 2024. Questions on the proposal will be available on the consultation service in Finnish, Swedish and English.

More information:
Read more in the press release by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy 13 June 2024: Consultation round on three-month unemployment rule: proposal deviates from Government Programme for specialists and permit holders who have worked in Finland for longer than two years
Measures of the Orpo Government on work-based immigration
Amendments to the Aliens Act (so-called 3-month rule and extension of the right to work)
Frequently asked questions about the three-month unemployment rule
Consultation event on 13 August 2024

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