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Form template of an integration plan for a family

It may be necessary for the municipality to draw up an integration plan for a family in addition to a personal integration plan if the overall situation of the family so requires. This is the case especially where the aim is to provide parenting support to families.

An integration plan for the whole family ensures that no member of the family is excluded from the integration process. It also aims to ensure that all the members of the family find activity in the local community.

The integration plan for a family is prepared in multi-sectoral cooperation and coordinated with the individual integration plans and other plans relating to the matter drawn up for the family members. The integration plan for a family can be linked to an early childhood education and care or personal learning plan for a child.

The integration plan for a family can be prepared using the attached form template.

Form template: Integration plan for a family (to be filled in)

Save the form before filling in.

Read more:
Integration plan for a family