New Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration would speed up integration and employment of immigrants – Consultation round begins

Publication date 2.5.2022 14.50
News item

The objective of the legislative proposal is also to promote social inclusion, health and wellbeing of immigrants, to increase equality and to strengthen good relations between population groups. According to the proposal to be sent out for comments, services promoting integration would be organised as part of the municipal integration programme and other services. 

The proposal aims to enhance the integration and employment of immigrants by developing early-stage integration services, by taking immigrants’ service needs into better consideration and by improving the availability of guidance and counselling. The new act would repeal the old act with the same name. 

The proposal would increase the municipal responsibility for promoting integration. According to the legislative proposal, services promoting integration would be organised as part of a new municipal integration programme and other services. The latter refer to services provided by municipalities, wellbeing services counties and Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) as well as the activities of organisations, associations or communities.

Stakeholder events and consultation round

TEAMS events on the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration will be organised for interest groups on 2 May (in Finnish) and on 17 May (in Swedish). The events will provide information on the content of the legislative proposal. The public will also have an opportunity to ask questions. 

The proposal will be circulated for comments on 2 May – 10 June 2022. The acts are scheduled to enter into force at the end of 2024 at the same time as the employment services reform. 

More information:
Read the press release May 5 2022: New Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration would speed up integration and employment of immigrants – Consultation round begins Hallituksen esitys eduskunnalle kotoutumisen edistämisestä annetuksi laiksi ja siihen liittyviksi laeiksi

Government proposal to Parliament for an Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration

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