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Unemployment among foreign citizens falls slowly, especially in Uusimaa

Publication date 2.8.2021 9.30 | Published in English on 4.8.2021 at 15.12
News item

Unemployment among job seekers of foreign origin and foreign-language speakers has decreased across the country, but it still remains above the level recorded before the coronavirus epidemic. The decrease in the number of unemployed people has been the slowest in Uusimaa.

The figures in the review for June show that:

  • At the end of June, there were 37,650 unemployed foreign jobseekers in Uusimaa, which represents a decrease of 12% on the previous year. However, compared to June 2019, the number has grown by 28%. The number of unemployed Finnish jobseekers fell 26% from last year but was 24% higher than in June 2019.
    • Although unemployment among foreigners has increased more than among Finnish people during the coronavirus pandemic, the difference is not particularly great compared to June 2019. The number of unemployed foreign jobseekers increases annually in relation to unemployed Finnish jobseekers. This is because the number of foreign people in working age rises, while the number of Finnish working-age people shrinks. 
  • During the coronavirus epidemic, unemployment among foreign men grew more than among foreign women. It now appears that unemployment among men also falls faster than among women.
  • In June, the number of foreigners who were long-term unemployed was still markedly higher than the year before (+82%), but the year-on-year increase was not as high as in May (+96%). Long-term unemployment has increased significantly, especially in Uusimaa.
  • Unemployment among foreigners and foreign-language speakers has decreased across the country, but it remains above the level recorded before the coronavirus epidemic. The decline in the number of unemployed people has been the slowest in Uusimaa, which has a considerable impact on the country average. 
  • Unemployment among young foreigners has fallen much faster than among those over 50. In fact, the number of unemployed people aged over 50 has grown in Uusimaa since June last year.

Based on the register data of the Employment Service Statistics, the Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration publishes a monthly review of employment among foreign citizens and foreign-language speakers and of their participation in employment promotion services.

July 2021 overview of unemployment of foreign citizens and foreign-language speakers and their participation in employment promotion services (in Finnish)

More information:
Employment Bulletins (in Finnish)

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