Amendments to the Aliens Act to ease work-based immigration
The amendments to the Aliens Act, which will streamline work-based immigration, will enter into force on 23 February 2023. The amendments will promote the application and decision-making process for work-based residence permits. The reform is part of a broader package that aims to reduce the average processing time of permits to a maximum of one month. The new provisions will increase the automation of the application process and introduce a certification for employers.
The Government’s objective is to increase work-based and education-based immigration in order to ensure the availability of skilled labour for the support of Finland’s growth and internationalisation.
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Päätös: Eduskunnan vastaus hallituksen esitykseen eduskunnalle laiksi ulkomaalaislain muuttamisesta ja siihen liittyviksi laeiksi (HE 114/2022 vp; EV 278/2022 vp) (only in Finnish)