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Information for those who work in customer service

People working in customer service meet immigrants in person, online or by phone. The time they can spend with a customer is often short. They can use interpretation services, plain language and versatile materials during the short encounter. You should keep the steps of face-to-face customer service in mind.


Interpretation and translation According to the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration, authorities must ensure interpretation and translation services when needed. Customer service people must make sure that the customer understand matters related to them. InfoFinland is a multi-lingual website providing important information in one place for those planning to migrate to Finland or already living here. The website also serves the authorities in the dissemination of multi-lingual information.
Integration in Swedish The Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration gives immigrants the right to choose Swedish or Finnish as their primary integration language.
Plain language Materials written in a clear and plain manner are a good tool at the early stages of language learning when the person’s Finnish skills are not sufficient for understanding communications by authorities.
Multilingual materials Multilingual materials related to Finnish society and culture help integration. You can also use the materials in customer service and guidance.
Identifying and preventing harmful practices Customer service people should be aware of and identify harmful practices, such as human trafficking, close relation, “honour”-related violence and female genital mutilation.

News for those working at customer service

null Guidance and counselling services fail to reach all those in need of assistance

Guidance and counselling services fail to reach all those in need of assistance

Publication date 6.5.2020 10.00 | Published in English on 7.5.2020 at 18.37
News item

Guidance and counselling services for immigrants in Finland are fragmented in terms of accessibility, service provision and resourcing. Access to services is not equally provided to customers in all parts of the country. These were the conclusions of the final report of the study on low-threshold guidance and counselling services for immigrants commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The report also makes recommendations for the development of the service network.

According to the report, services are not consistent in terms of content, even though there are similarities between practical activities. In addition to municipalities providing services, several organisations offer guidance and counselling services that play an important role for many immigrants. The report concludes that municipalities have failed to sufficiently review and develop information, guidance and counselling services as a whole, and for this reason the different services are insufficiently interconnected.  This makes it more difficult to systematically use the existing low-threshold guidance and counselling services for helping customers gain access to employment or education.

Guidance and counselling should be provided to all immigrants

According to the report, all guidance and counselling services for immigrants organised by local authorities have common characteristics. What is essential about the services is that anyone who has moved to Finland has easy access to accurate and up-to-date information as well as advice and guidance on any issue related to their everyday life and personal situation. Low-threshold guidance and counselling services must be provided without a referral or registration as a customer to all those who have moved to Finland, regardless of the duration of their stay in the country, or the reason for their immigration.

Low-threshold service points should be developed as part of the guidance and counselling services provided to all municipal residents. Other special needs such as language skills requirements must also be taken into account. Steps should be taken to ensure pathways to any other services required by customers.

Remote counselling service available nationwide to complement other services

The report proposes that municipal low-threshold guidance and counselling services should be organised in municipalities with the largest number of immigrants. Intermunicipal cooperation would also extend the services to smaller municipalities. Remote counselling service available nationwide would complement the range of services.

Included in the publications of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the final report “Low-threshold guidance and counselling services for immigrants” describes the various types of services currently available to immigrants in the low-threshold guidance and counselling service points, and the different actors involved in these services. The report identifies the critical success factors and development needs. In conclusion, the report proposes minimum criteria for immigrant guidance and counselling service points, and other recommendations for further development of the service network.

The report was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and it was prepared by Owal Group Oy.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will launch a call for funding applications for guidance and counselling services in May. More information will be posted on and websites.

More information:

Publications of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 2020:27 Low-threshold guidance and counselling services for immigrants. Final report of the study. 
Susanna Piepponen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 2950 47990
Risto Karinen, Director, Owal Group Oy, tel. +358 50 535 1820