The reform of the Act on the Promotion of Integration
The current Integration Act has been amended (comprehensive reform of Integration Act, KOTO24). The new Integration Act (681/2023) will enter into force on 1 January 2025 at the same time as the TE services reform.
The Koto-digi project of the KEHA Centre develops national information system services for integration, which can be introduced in municipalities from 1 January 2025.
Information on the situation of those fleeing from Ukraine
Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration compiles information on the situation of those fleeing from Ukraine and produces current information (FAQ) on residence, temporary protection, work and services for people arriving in Finland from Ukraine.
Respond to the Partnership Platform user survey by 31 August
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The Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment conducts a survey to examine the views of the Partnership Platform users concerning the use and usefulness of the Platform and the need for it in future. The responses will be used in the development of the Partnership Platform and the online service as well as in the planning and development of communications and online communications for those involved in integration in 2024–2025.
Amendments to Integration Act regarding social assistance reimbursements circulated for comments
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From the beginning of next year, the payment periods for reimbursement of social assistance costs under the Integration Act would be shortened from three years to one. The amendments to the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration would enter into force on 1 January 2025. The proposed amendment is being circulated for comments until 9 August.
Share of foreign citizens among unemployed jobseekers highest ever measured
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In May, the number of unemployed foreign jobseekers totalled 41,510, which is 16 per cent of all unemployed jobseekers. The increase in the number of foreign unemployed jobseekers can be explained by the general growth in the number of foreigners in Finland.
Events and training
The Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration organises training, seminars, webinars and other events and participates in different kinds of training and other events. The event calendar will only be published on the Finnish-language website. English-language events are included in English in the calendar.