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Content of the Ukraine website has been updated – Answers to frequently asked questions now available in Ukrainian and Russian too

Publication date 28.7.2022 12.01 | Published in English on 2.8.2022 at 10.28
Type:News item

The Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment maintains a summary web page that includes information from authorities, municipalities and organisations on the situation in Ukraine and the people fleeing from Ukraine. The page has been updated with new content during the summer, including improvements to make the information available in more languages. The identical content is now available in Finnish, Swedish, English, Ukrainian and Russian. 

The purpose of the summary page is to provide support to people and organisations involved in integration work and reception of refugees. The updated website provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the stay, temporary protection, employment and services available to people arriving in Finland from Ukraine. The FAQ website has now also been translated into Russian and Ukrainian.

In addition, the online service includes a list of links containing information sources from various authorities and other operators which can be used in the guidance and counselling work. The list only contains reliable websites, and the links have been numbered to facilitate their use. 

All content on the summary page has been published in five languages – Finnish, Swedish, English, Ukrainian and Russian. The language versions are identical and updated based on the latest information. 

Take a look at the summary web page on information about Ukraine:

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