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Information for those who work as an official in TE Office services, municipality or the health and social sector

Immigrants encounter many authorities on their integration path. Authorities can promote the smooth implementation of the integration process by cooperating across different administrative sectors and fields.

Two women at the table

Multisectoral cooperation Multisectoral and multidisciplinary cooperation is an essential part of integration work.
Municipal integration programmes This section contains municipal integration programmes, as well as some information on regional integration work.
Partnership programme The integration partnership programme supports the effectiveness of the work promoting integration and social inclusion by bringing together operators and increasing multi-professional and diverse cooperation.
Legislation Several acts guide integration. Remember to also acknowledge service-specific legislation.
Actors and their tasks Multi-sectoral cooperation in promoting integration makes the work more effective. There are local, regional and national operators who promote integration.
Reception of refugees Assigning municipalities of residence and planning services are key activities of municipalities when receiving refugees.

New for authorities

New guidelines on representation of unaccompanied minors
18.2.2025 | News item
New guidelines on the representation of unaccompanied minors have been published at the website. The guidelines contain basic information on the duties of persons representing unaccompanied children during their reception and integration in Finland.
Integration client information system ICDS has been launched
28.1.2025 | News item
The integration client information system ICDS was put into operation on 27 January 2025. Around 40 municipalities are participating in the system during the first phase. Municipalities will be obligated to use the system on 1 January 2027 following a transition period.  
Reform to increase overall responsibility of municipalities for integration
18.12.2024 | News item
The comprehensive reform of the Integration Act (KOTO24) aims to speed up the integration and employment of immigrants and to strengthen their knowledge of Finnish society. The reform is related to the T24 reform where employment and economic development services are transferred from the central government to municipalities.
Changes to professional communications on integration during 2025
18.12.2024 | News item
Communications, in particular those on social media, aimed at integration professionals and others involved in the sector will be centralised at the turn of the year. In future, you can follow official communications on integration at, KEHA Centre’s Tuutti service and on Instagram and LinkedIn. 
KEHA Centre to offer work and skills support to professionals from 1 January 2025
16.12.2024 | News item
KEHA Centre will be responsible for the national work and skills support of professionals involved in integration and refugee reception starting at the beginning of 2025. The task will be transferred to the KEHA Centre from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
All news