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The Act on the promotion of immigrant integration was amended on 1.1.2025. Unfortunately, not all content has yet been updated to comply with the new integration Act (681/2023). There may be shortcomings especially in the language versions. We apologise for the inconvenience. The updating of the website will be prioritised and the aim is to make the updates during January-February 2025. Information in accordance with the new integration Act can be found on the page 

The website is intended for anyone who, in the course of their work, is involved with immigrants or is engaged in immigrant integration and refugee reception.  The website is maintained by the Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

A woman and a man discuss

A man looks at the computer with a smile at his desk.

Current Issues

Ukraine, Estonia and Russia most common nationalities among unemployed foreigners
5.3.2025 | News item
The employment review for February shows that 14 per cent of unemployed foreign jobseekers in Finland are Ukrainians. In addition to Ukrainians, Estonians and Russians are the largest nationality groups among unemployed foreigners.
KEHA Centre publishes instructions on cost reimbursements under the Integration Act 
5.3.2025 | News item
The Development and Administrative Services Centre (KEHA Centre) has published new instructions on the reimbursement of costs under the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration (681/2023) to municipalities, wellbeing services counties and Åland’s public healthcare services (Ålands hälso- och sjukvård, ÅSH). The instructions are available on the website.
New guidelines on representation of unaccompanied minors
18.2.2025 | News item
New guidelines on the representation of unaccompanied minors have been published at the website. The guidelines contain basic information on the duties of persons representing unaccompanied children during their reception and integration in Finland.
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Integration Partnership Programme

The Integration Partnership Programme of the KEHA Centre brings together those working in the field of integration and increases multisectoral cooperation. The aim is to make integration work more effective and to increase the receptiveness of society. 

”In the partnership programme, we build unconventional and multisectoral cooperation. We change the way we do integration work, in partnership. Come along!”

Varpu Taarna, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment

Get to know the Partnership Programme

Varpu Taarna

The reform of Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration The Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration is proposed to be repealed by the new act. The new Act is intended to enter into force in 2025, simultaneously with the reform of TE services.
Integration customer data system (ICDS) The Koto-digi project of the KEHA Centre develops national information system services for integration, which can be introduced in municipalities in the early 2025.
Integration Partnership Programme. The aim of the partnership programme is to discover, identify and support cooperation opportunities that promote integration work.
Integration Indicators database. The Integration Indicators database is used to monitor the state and development of integration in Finland.
Integration database The Integration database is an open statistics database based on register that provides comprehensive information on the immigrant population in Finland.
Partnership Platform The Partnership Platform is an interactive, digital and collaborative workspace for the operators, experts, stakeholders and networks working in the fields of immigrant integration, immigration and the reception of refugees.