Participate in the program planning of the Integration 2024 event!
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The Integration 2024 event will take place this year, i.e. 14–15 November 2024 in Turku. Now you have the opportunity to participate in the planning of the event with a program proposal! This year, program planning is open to everyone interested in Integration event planning. The program planning team of the event compiles the program based on the proposals received. Program proposals must be submitted no later than February 18, 2024.
Discrimination and loneliness affect immigrants’ wellbeing
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According to a recent MoniSuomi study of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), immigrants on average are doing well in Finland. Immigrants’ experiences of inclusion and everyday safety were found to be reasonably strong, but some feel lonely and discriminated against.
Report: Language skills are essential in employment of Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection
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According to a recent report, Ukrainians receiving temporary protection have been well received in Finland. Language skills play a key role in employment.
Information card provides integration services data in figures
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For how many immigrants an integration plan was made last year? In which languages is basic information about Finland distributed to those arriving here? What are the average costs per customer per year of integration training organised as labour market training?
Apply to join the planning groups of the Integration 2024 event
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The planning of the Integration 2024 event is about to start. First, the application for the planning groups of the event will be opened. The Integration 2024 has a new programme structure and planning teams or area coordinators for special theme areas are not looked for this time, but the event has enough tasks for many people. The event will take place in Turku, Logomo on 14–15 November 2024.
Legislative changes of the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act circulated for comments
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The Government has proposed amendments to the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration (Integration Act), which will enter into force on 1 January 2025. The aim is that the changes will strengthen general government finances, increase immigrants’ own responsibility for integration and improve the position immigrant mothers. Comments on the Government’s proposed amendments will be accepted until 23 October 2023.
Preparation of an action plan to prevent and combat exploitation begins
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The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will begin the preparation of an action plan for preventing and combating exploitation. The aim is to tackle abuses in the labour market more effectively. The action plan, which is based on the objectives of the Government Programme, will be prepared by the end of 2023.
Ministry of Employment to prepare legislative amendments on work-based residence permits
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The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is preparing legislative amendments to clarify the effects of unemployment on valid work-based residence permits. In future, persons with a work-based residence permit will have to leave Finland if their employment relationship ends and no new employment relationship has been concluded within three months.
Partnership programme supports those involved in integration, but immigrants’ participation opportunities must be improved
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Partnership barometer is a survey that collects information on the current state and development needs of work that promotes integration and receptiveness of society, as well as the activities of the Partnership programme. Based on the survey, which was conducted for the second time, the majority of respondents felt that the Partnership programme was useful for their work and considered the opportunities for cooperation promoting integration relatively good. One key development need highlighted in the barometer was the need for structural changes that would improve the inclusion and participation of immigrants in cooperation promoting integration.
Updated instructions on the payment process of imputed reimbursements under the Integration Act
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The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has updated the instructions on compensating municipalities and wellbeing services counties for costs under the Integration Act (1386/2010). The instructions have been updated with regard to payments of imputed reimbursements paid to municipalities and wellbeing services counties that are not processed through the automated payments system. The revised payment process is described in the compensation instructions, which also includes other smaller revisions.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment to study the labour market position and employment service use by Ukrainians receiving temporary protection
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A report commissioned by the Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will collect information on the employment and future plans of those receiving temporary protection in Finland. The study also aims to find out how TE and integration services should be developed to better promote the employment and integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection. The first step will be to collect data from TE services experts, employers, Ukrainians receiving temporary protection and others, such as organisations.
Comprehensive reform of Integration Act: Municipalities will have a larger role in promoting integration and coordination of services will improve
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The comprehensive reform of the Integration Act, which will enter into force in 2025, will increase the municipal responsibility for promoting integration and clarify the authorities’ responsibilities and cooperation related to the promotion of integration. It seeks to improve integration and strengthen the inclusion of immigrants in society.
A new joint application form for Kela card and child benefit available for those who have fled Ukraine
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The benefits granted by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) are available to those who have lived in Finland for one year. Many of the people who have fled Ukraine will therefore become eligible for benefits soon. Based on residence or a longer term employment, those who have fled Ukraine can apply for child benefit and housing allowance, among other things. Kela will ease the application process for benefits by introducing a joint application form for a Kela card and child benefit.
Number of unemployed foreign jobseekers on the rise
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In January, the number of unemployed foreign jobseekers totalled 35,792, which is 14% of all unemployed jobseekers. The number of unemployed foreign jobseekers increased by 16% (4,920 persons) from the previous year.
Answer to the Integration Partnership Programme survey!
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This is the second time the Partnership programme on Immigrant Integration is carrying out this survey. The goal of the survey is to learn the views of various parties on the state of cooperation relating to integration and the receptiveness of society, the conditions and development needs for such cooperation, and on the activities of the Integration Partnership Programme.
Amendments to the Aliens Act to ease work-based immigration
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The amendments to the Aliens Act, which will streamline work-based immigration, will enter into force on 23 February 2023. The amendments will promote the application and decision-making process for work-based residence permits. The reform is part of a broader package that aims to reduce the average processing time of permits to a maximum of one month. The new provisions will increase the automation of the application process and introduce a certification for employers.
A new map shows all guidance and counselling services for immigrants
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The Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration has published an electronic map that shows the location of guidance and counselling services provided by municipalities to immigrants. The map contains contact information on all guidance and counselling service points throughout Finland. Compiling this information aims to increase interaction between different authorities promoting integration and guidance and counselling services, to provide information on the languages in which guidance and counselling services are available and to highlight the Finnish network of such services.
Policy brief of the Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration explores political participation of immigrants
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The number of immigrants in Finland continues to grow. However, their turnout in elections and participation in politics is much lower than among the native-born Finnish people. A new policy brief of the Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment presents ways to strengthen the political participation of people with a foreign background.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment publishes multilingual information on possible power shortages
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Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine has affected the energy situation in the entire EU. Energy consumption increases in the autumn and winter. The energy situation will be particularly challenging in Central Europe, but also in Finland. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has compiled information on how and why everyone should participate in saving energy, what will cause a possible power shortage and how to act in the event of one. Information on a possible power shortage has been published in several languages.
Integration 2022 offers many perspectives on integration from employment to the situation of Ukrainian refugees
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Integration 2022 brings together those involved in integration matters to Tampere on 7–8 November 2022 with a focus on current themes in integration and reception of refugees. The overall theme of this year’s event is change and the changing operating environment. The programme tracks deal with employment, education, receptiveness of society, wellbeing and health, and the integration of refugees of different ages.