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Updated instructions on the payment process of imputed reimbursements under the Integration Act

Publication date 28.8.2023 9.45 | Published in English on 17.10.2023 at 12.56
Type:News item

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has updated the instructions on compensating municipalities and wellbeing services counties for costs under the Integration Act (1386/2010). The instructions have been updated with regard to payments of imputed reimbursements paid to municipalities and wellbeing services counties that are not processed through the automated payments system. The revised payment process is described in the compensation instructions, which also includes other smaller revisions.

The payment process concerning imputed reimbursements paid to municipalities and wellbeing services counties will change on 1 September 2023. From the beginning of September, the KEHA Centre will not pay municipalities and wellbeing services counties imputed reimbursement for persons not included in the automatic payment system without a separate application. Automatic payments are based on an automated payment proposal, which excludes persons whose personal identity code or municipality of residence are not included in the UMA case management system or the Population Information System at the time of the listing of the person. 

In future, municipalities and wellbeing services counties will have to apply for imputed compensation from the KEHA Centre for persons outside the automated payment system by using an electronic form in the e-services of the regional administration. 

Other revisions made to the compensation instructions apply to rare exceptional situations. The updated instructions have been published in the Finlex service. 

Municipalities and wellbeing services counties will be supported in applying for compensation

The website texts concerning compensations under the Integration Act have been updated on kotoutuminen.fi in Finnish and Swedish. A recording of compensation training also provides municipalities and wellbeing services counties information on how to apply for and receive compensation. If necessary, the KEHA Centre provides advice on how to apply for compensation. 

More information:
Instruction on compensating municipalities and wellbeing services counties for costs under the Integration Act (in Finnish)
Training on applying for and receiving compensation for costs under the Integration Act
Regional administration e-service

Maria Tiainen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment ([email protected]
Nea Brandt, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment ([email protected])

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