Supporting Immigrants’ Integration into the Nordic Labour Markets: What Works?

Tiistai 8.10.2024 klo 9.30 –  10.50

Kumppanina kotoutumisessa -hanke

The event by the Partners in Integration project focuses on the critical topic of supporting immigrants’ integration into the Nordic labour markets.

Time: 9:30-10:50 October 8 

Place: online (Teams)

The first presentation of the event by Nora E. Sánchez Gassen, Senior Research Fellow at Nordregio, talks about supporting immigrants' integration into the Nordic Labour markets. 

The second presentation looks at how European Social Fund (ESF) projects contribute to a more inclusive labour market. There will be overviews of various participant journeys, information about the Nya eXtra Stöd in Hudiksvall ESF project, including successful group activities for foreign-born individuals developed through the project and reflections on the project coordinators' role. The speakers are Mia Karlsson, Linda Källgren, and Matilda Norelius from the Department of Labour Market and Competence, Region Gävleborg. 

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