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European Commission seeks ways to promote integration at EU level

Publication date 15.9.2020 8.25 | Published in English on 23.9.2020 at 9.24
Type:News item

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather views on actions to promote integration. The public consultation will be available in all EU official languages until 21 October 2020.

The results of the consultation will contribute to the development of the renewed Action Plan on integration and inclusion. The Commission has also launched a call for applications to set up an expert group composed of persons with a migrant background to participate in the development and implementation of migration, asylum and integration policies. 

The public consultation and the setting up of an expert group are based on von der Leyen Commission’s renewed Action Plan on integration and inclusion. In the European Commission press release, Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson explains how the coronavirus crisis has again underlined the significance of immigrants and refugees in our societies.

More information:

DEADLINE EXTENDED: The EC launches a public consultation and a call for an expert migrant group on intergration

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