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Legislative changes of the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act circulated for comments

Publication date 19.9.2023 16.25 | Published in English on 17.10.2023 at 9.44
Type:News item

The Government has proposed amendments to the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration (Integration Act), which will enter into force on 1 January 2025. The aim is that the changes will strengthen general government finances, increase immigrants’ own responsibility for integration and improve the position immigrant mothers. Comments on the Government’s proposed amendments will be accepted until 23 October 2023.

In the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act (KOTO24), the main responsibility for integration services will be transferred to municipalities at the beginning of 2025. The proposed changes now open for comments would reduce the number of municipalities’ tasks in promoting integration, especially as regards the reception of refugees, for example. Immigrants’ own responsibility and initiative in managing practical matters would be increased. 

In addition, the after-care in adulthood of those who have arrived in Finland as unaccompanied minors would end at 23 years of age. In that way, the age limit would correspond with the Government’s proposal to lower the age limit for after-care in child welfare, which the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health will prepare.

An increase of EUR 5 million would be proposed for improving the position of immigrant mothers. 

The proposal is circulated for comments from 18 September to 23 October 2023. Comments can be submitted at lausuntopalvelu.fi. Alternatively, comments can be submitted by email to [email protected].

Read more in the press release by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy 18 September 2023: Changes to the integration services reform in 2025 – Government proposal circulated for comments 

More information:
Lausuntopalvelu online consultation service: Government proposal to Parliament for an Act amending the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration and related acts (Finnish or Swedish)

Press release 13 April 2023: Comprehensive reform of Integration Act will speed up integration and employment of immigrant


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