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Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment to study the labour market position and employment service use by Ukrainians receiving temporary protection

Publication date 16.5.2023 9.24 | Published in English on 16.5.2023 at 10.27
Type:News item

A report commissioned by the Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will collect information on the employment and future plans of those receiving temporary protection in Finland. The study also aims to find out how TE and integration services should be developed to better promote the employment and integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection. The first step will be to collect data from TE services experts, employers, Ukrainians receiving temporary protection and others, such as organisations. 

- The data produced by the report will improve the situation picture on Ukrainians who have fled Russia’s war of aggression and on the receptiveness of the Finnish society and the labour market towards them, says Juho Peltonen, Senior Specialist at the Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration. 

The report is divided into three main themes of services, employment and future. Its objective is to answer the following questions: 

  • How should the TE and integration services system be improved to promote the integration and employment of beneficiaries of temporary protection?
  • Which factors have helped or hindered the employment of beneficiaries of temporary protection?
  • What kind of hopes and plans do beneficiaries of temporary protection have about living and working in Finland, moving to Finland permanently or returning to Ukraine?

TE service experts, employers, Ukrainians receiving temporary protection and organisations will be able to fill out electronic surveys from May.  The link to the survey will be distributed directly to the groups. In addition to the survey, group interviews will be organised as part of the study. Ukrainians receiving temporary protection can answer the survey in Ukrainian or Russian.

Report to be used in development of services and employment opportunities

The results of the study will be used to develop TE and integration services and to promote the employment and integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection. Another objective is to obtain information on whether beneficiaries of temporary protection plan to move, either within Finland or out of the country.

The report will be completed in September 2023 and the results will be available on the kotoutuminen.fi and tem.fi websites. Owal Group Oy will conduct the study on behalf of the Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

Juho Peltonen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 119
Risto Karinen, Director, Owal Group Oy, tel.  +358 50 535 1820

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