Anti-racism communication: From dialogue to strategic action
Keskiviikko 20.3.2024 klo 9.30 – 11.30
In the two-hour workshop by Kumppanuudessa project and Finnish Red cross, participants join a guided exercise about the symbolic nature and concrete manifestations of “racism” in multiple areas of organizational work and social life.
Time: 20.3.2024 from 9.30 to 11.30
Place: online (Welo Space)
From this conversation, participants will gain knowledge about “anti-racism communication”, learn how to map and categorise patterns of racism, and develop skills to build anti-racist strategies for communicational plans of action.
This workshop will be facilitated in English and organised on Welo Space. The facilitator is Leonardo Custódio, an educator and researcher at Åbo Akademi University. A link will be sent to participants before the event.
The event is part of the Week Against Racism, which will take place on 18–24 March 2024. The theme this year is intervening in racism.
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Futher information about the event and registration
Kohderyhmät: hyvinvointialueet, järjestöt ja yhteisöt, julkinen hallinto, kunnat, yliopistot ja korkeakoulut, yritykset