Webinar: Coercive control & investigative interviewing within the context of trafficking in human beings
Tiistai 10.9.2024 klo 9.00 – 10.30
The webinar co-hosted by the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) and the Australian institute of Criminology (AIC) explores coercive control in the context of criminal investigations.
Time: on 10.9.2024 9:00-10:30
Location: online
In this webinar, HEUNI discusses coercive control in the context of criminal investigations, particularly within the context of trafficking in human beings. The webinar introduces research findings on interviewing victims of trafficking and provides concrete suggestions for how to incorporate the aspect of coercive control in investigative interviews. There will also be time for a Q&A session and discussion.
The webinar is a part of the AIC – HEUNI webinar series Down Under and Up North.
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Kohderyhmät: yritykset, yliopistot ja korkeakoulut, valtionhallinto, kunnat, kansalaiset, julkinen hallinto, järjestöt ja yhteisöt, hyvinvointialueet