Access to asylum and migrants’ right to mental health

Torstai 12.9.2024 klo 13.00 –  15.00

This webinar discusses two pressing legal and social challenges in contemporary Finland: access to asylum and and mental well-being among precarious migrant workers. The webinar is organized by Mobile Futures project.

Time: On 12 September 2024 13-15

Place: online (zoom)

The webinar is organised by the research consortium Mobile Futures: Diversity, Trust, and Two-way Integration, which is funded by the Strategic Research Council established within the Research Council of Finland. 

You can participate in the event without advance registration.

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Kohderyhmät: julkinen hallinto, järjestöt ja yhteisöt, kunnat, valtionhallinto, yliopistot ja korkeakoulut, yritykset