Online discussion on the new integration act

Torstai 30.11.2023 klo 12.30 –  15.00

työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö

The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment are organizing an online discussion about the new integration Act on Tuhursday 30th November. The event will be held in English.

Time: November 30th 12.30-15.00

Place: online (Teams)

The aim of the event is to support actors in different sectors in preparing for the new Integration Act and reform of the employment services. During the event, you have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the upcoming reforms with your colleagues.

Register for the event by Tuesday 28th November. The event is organized via Teams.


  • 12:30 pm Reform of the integration act: Mira Sinkkonen, Ministry of Economic Development and Employment
  • 1:30 pm Quick questions
  • 1:45 pm Break
  • 2:00 pm TE services reform 2024: Tanja Ståhlberg, Ministry of Economic Development and Employment
  • 2:30 pm Discussion and questions
  • 3:00 pm Closing words

Further information:
Register for the event
Reform of the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration

Kohderyhmät: julkinen hallinto, järjestöt ja yhteisöt, kunnat, valtionhallinto, yliopistot ja korkeakoulut, yritykset, hyvinvointialueet